Mentorship Hours & Feedback Sessions

Mentorship Hours is where you can drop in and get 1:1 help via Zoom.

Please see our Events Calendar to see when the next session is. They’re at the same times every week.

How It Works

  1. Join the Zoom meeting. You will be admitted when the mentor is free.
  2. If there are other people ahead, we will let you know how long you have to wait.

Everyone gets a max of 15 minutes. This is a completely private session and not recorded.

What You Can Get Help With

  • troubleshooting code (of course)
  • figuring out what you should focus on next
  • get advice on how to stay motivated
  • answer your questions about being in the industry

If you’re not available during the Mentorship Hour, ask your question in Slack! We’ll get back to you by the next business day. We check Slack a few times everyday between Monday – Friday.

Feedback Sessions is where you can get feedback on your code, resume, portfolio or other project.

Feedback sessions are on the last week every month, and there is room for 4 submissions.

We love seeing what you create, so put in your submission with this form! We will take a look at it at our next Feedback Session.

Here’s an example of a past feedback session: